PE & Sports Premium
The government is providing funding for primary school sports. The funding is being jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport, and will see money going directly to primary school Head teachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The money can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. The money will be used so that all children benefit regardless of their sporting ability.
What is our approach to spending the Sports Premium?
At Stow Heath Primary School, we believe that all children have an equal opportunity to participate in a broad and balanced curriculum according to their needs, abilities and interests.
Any objectives that school find to be successful, co-coordinators then implement into the school's policies and procedure for the following years to sustain these improvements.
Physical Education and healthy lifestyles are highly valued at Stow Heath Primary School. We have a broad and balanced curriculum that ensures all abilities are inspired and educated, strong relationships are nurtured, children are happy to participate in new challenges with a strong emphasis on all pupils succeeding in sport.
The school's PE and Sport Grant has been used to support the development of the children and staff with provision in P.E. which enables the children to access high quality teaching.
At Stow Heath Primary School, we aim to ensure that children are physically active and physically literate. To maintain this, we:
Continue to promote high quality physical education for our children through a well-planned range of PE lessons and experiences.
Promote children’s involvement and experience of competitive activities.
Improve confidence amongst staff in the delivery of high quality PE lessons across the school.
Ensure the Healthy Schools agenda remains high priority.
Ensure children’s physical development leads to better outcomes for children in terms of physical skills such as writing; personal, social and emotional development; communication and language.
Soccer 2000 coaches provide expert CPD for teachers and support staff by providing additional training in different aspects of physical education, dance and outdoor education and are using the skills acquired to provide additional sessions linked to other areas of the curriculum.
During 2019-2020, we have increased the number of extra-curricular sports activities available at lunchtime and after school, offering them to pupils across school so that our after-school clubs are accessible for all. The school is now participating in a range of competitive activities with other schools in the area including football, tri-golf, multi-skills, athletics, netball and cross country running.
However, in light of the current pandemic, we have had to limit the number of clubs available to pupils at this time to ensure that school adheres to government guidelines regarding bubbles.
Pre-Covid-19, to promote the health and wellbeing of staff, there was also a weekly after-school ‘Bootcamp’ run by one of our Higher Level Teaching Assistants who is a qualified gym instructor.
12 children and a member of staff undertook training in Autumn 2019 through a paid SLA to become Sports leaders; these children had offered organised activities to other pupils at lunchtime before the introduction of bubbles.
Additional resources, kit and equipment have also been purchased to support Sports provision at Stow Heath Primary School. Provision of equipment for lunchtime and playtime also enables pupils to take part in a range of activities in a less formal setting.
Please click on the links below to view the documents.