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Delegation of Functions
Terms of reference for Committees

Membership and quorums of all committees are detailed in the Committee Structure, which is reviewed and approved by the Governing Board on an annual basis. Meetings will be held as frequently as required and will be clerked by S4S Governor Support; where a Clerk is unavailable, a meeting will be clerked by a member of the Committee (other than the Headteacher). Papers for all meetings should be circulated to Governors at least seven days in advance of the meeting. Minutes are presented for approval at the next meeting, whereupon the Chair will sign the minutes. Minutes will also be presented to the full Governing Board for adoption as soon as possible.


The Governing Board remains responsible for any decisions made by Committees.

The Governing Body cannot delegate any functions relating to;

  • The constitution of the Governing Board

  • The appointment or removal of the Chair, Vice Chair and Clerk

  • The suspension of a Governor

  • The delegation of functions to a committee or individual

  • The establishment of committees


The following can be delegated to a committee but not an individual;

  • The alteration, discontinuance or change of category of maintained schools

  • The approval of the first formal budget plan of the financial year

  • School discipline policies

  • The exclusion of pupils (except in an emergency when the Chair has the power to exercise this function)

  • Admissions


The Governing Board can give limited voting rights to Associate Members on Committees. However, Associate Members may not vote on decisions relating to;

  • Admissions

  • Pupil discipline

  • Election or appointment of Governors

  • The budget and financial commitments of the Governing Body


Governors should withdraw from any meeting where they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest or where there is reasonable doubt about a Governor’s ability to act impartially. If a Governor has a declaration of interest and has to withdraw from a meeting this should be recorded in the minutes. The Governor may not discuss the item further, may not vote on it, and ceases to be counted toward the quorum necessary for taking a decision on the matter under discussion.




With external specialist support, named Appraisal Governors will consider the performance of the Headteacher on an annual basis, forming a judgement of success against previously agreed targets, and agreeing targets for the forthcoming year.


Strategic Leadership and Management Committee (including Pay)
  • Make strategic decisions and focus on monitoring and evaluation of progress against the Post Ofsted Action Plan (POAP)/School Improvement Plan. This may include urgent staff appointments where necessary.

  • Consider a staffing structure for the School which conforms to the School’s Development Plan.

  • Consider the financial implications of the structure on an annual basis and the extent to which it can be achieved within the School’s budget.

  • Minute, in detail, the reasons/calculations whenever the salary point of the Headteacher/Deputy Headteacher is revised.

  • The Whole School Pay Policy should be reviewed and approved annually in the autumn term.

  • Consider the results of staff performance management and recommendations regarding pay.

  • To hear formal grievances where they have not been resolved previously.


Teaching, Learning and Assessment Committee (including personal development, behaviour, welfare and outcomes for children)
  • Demonstrate an ambitious vision, have high expectations for what all pupils can achieve and ensure high standards of provision and care for pupils.

  • Consider and challenge the School’s data (progress and attainment), culture for learning, curriculum, planning, assessment/marking, feedback and moderation.

  • Monitor and challenge the School’s approach to the achievement of pupils who require additional support, and those who should be challenged further.

  • Receive updates on, and challenge the Headteacher on, the School’s promotion of equality and diversity, bullying and discrimination prevention, British Values and any gaps in achievement between different groups of pupils.

  • Consider and challenge the School’s attendance/punctuality/behaviour monitoring and improvement strategies.

  • Consider and challenge the School’s approach to safeguarding.


Finance, General Purposes, Site, Health and Safety Committee
  • Approve the annual budget plan and review this throughout the year, submitting approved plans in line with requirements in light of the School Improvement Plan/POAP, delegated budget share and other funding sources, predictions e.g. pupil numbers and best value. Where the School has a licenced deficit, progress reports must be considered.

  • Delegate expenditure and virements up to the limit of £XXX to the Headteacher. Expenditure/virements above this limit must be approved by Governors in advance. All virements must be reported to the Committee. Transactions must not be artificially sub-divided in order to circumvent the limit.

  • Completion of SFVS (Schools Financial Value Standard) by 31 March each year.

  • Completion of the annual Statement of Internal Controls in the autumn term.

  • To receive and respond to any report issued by the Audit Department following a School Audit.

  • Receive and challenge regular budget monitoring reports.

  • The Headteacher may delegate responsibility for managing specific elements of the delegated budget to designated school staff, subject to the agreement of the Committee.

  • Consider the results of benchmarking.

  • The Committee is responsible for entering into Service Level Agreements and contracts for execution of works and the supply of goods and services (including support services) on behalf of the Governing Body, and for monitoring contract performance. Procurement decisions should be supported by appropriate evidence of compliance with Financial/Contracts Procedure Rules.

  • Obtain written approval from the LA before entering into a lease agreement.

  • Review the School’s financial procedures on an annual basis.

  • Target the devolved capital resources.

  • Prepare a planned maintenance programme to include planned external painting projects to maintain the fabric of the building.

  • Ensure that current and new legislation, guidance and policies are complied with e.g. Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) and Fire Safety Regulations and that relevant staff are trained.

  • To ensure that buildings are: functional with a suitable layout for the appropriate teaching activity; environmentally acceptable, secure but accessible and have adequate heating and lighting.

  • To ensure that all teaching facilities are cleaned adequately in order to ensure that they comply with accepted standards for hygiene and health and safety purposes.

  • To ensure that sites and surrounds are maintained adequately: that they (in particular grassed areas) comply with the Environmental Protection Act, that pathways and hard surfaced areas are free of potholes or other indentations and to maintain a safe environment.

  • To ensure that premises comply with health, safety and hygiene requirements and that there is appropriate provision within the School’s budget to achieve these standards.

  • To ensure that the School provides a safe and secure environment for teaching and learning, with particular reference to the control of access by people other than pupils and staff.

  • To ensure that there is an appropriate management system which includes regular inspections of the building for the maintenance of the premises.

  • To liaise with the Local Authority on any complex building issues.

  • To ensure that furniture is inspected regularly and, where necessary, taken out of use, repaired or replaced.

  • To review regularly the use of accommodation to ensure that maximum use and efficiency is being achieved and that, where accommodation is being used other than for school activities, users are aware of their responsibilities in order to ensure that no liability falls to the School or the Governing Body in the event of an accident or damage to the buildings.

  • To consider risk assessments.


Pupil Discipline Committee
To review the use of exclusion within the School
If parents make representations about a fixed term period exclusion the Committee must consider them.

A meeting must be held within 15 school days to review a permanent exclusion or a fixed term exclusion of more than 15 school days, whether or not the parents attend.

Any Committee meeting and vote must have a quorum of three Committee members.
The Headteacher cannot sit as a member of this Committee


Staff Discipline/Dismissal Committee
To consider and make decisions related to the following staffing matters;

  • Matters which may lead to the dismissal of a member of staff

  • Redundancy and redeployment

  • Matters related to the discipline of a member of staff


The Headteacher cannot sit as a member of this Committee


Appeals Committee

Pay Appeal:
To consider any appeal arising from the decision of the Pay Committee.

Dismissal Appeal:
To consider any appeal against a decision to dismiss a member of staff made by the Staff Dismissal Committee


To consider any appeal against a decision short of dismissal under the Governing Body’s personnel procedures e.g. Disciplinary, Grievance, Capability


To consider any appeal against selection for redundancy

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