Dear Parents & Carers,
From September 2023, the times of the school day will change slightly in line with the government's 2022 White Paper which lays out plans for mainstream schools to provide a 32.5-hour week, or 6.5-hour days.
The official times of the day will remain the same as this year: 8.45am - 3.15pm.
The changes are to when the gates are opened and closed and the time that the register will be taken.
Start of the day
The gates to the playground will be opened at 8.35am.
Classroom doors will open at 8.40am and the register will be taken at 8.45am.
The gates to the playground will close at 8.45am as soon as the bell goes.
Your child will be classed as late if they arrive after this time.
We would like to remind you that pupils should not be coming through the main school office.
End of the day
The gates to the playground will be opened at 3.10pm.
Classroom doors will open at 3.15pm
The gates to the playground will be closed at 3.25pm
From Monday 17th July, we will run with the new times above to give pupils, parents and staff the opportunity to trial the new times of the day.
Thank you for your co-operation with this.
